Friday, March 13, 2009

a little shout out: volumes 1 and 2

After reaching the halfway point in my fund raising last week, I decided I should pay a little more lip service to the people that are behind all these miles I'm putting on my legs. So every once in awhile I'll include little "shout outs" to special people that did some big--or small--thing to motivate me or help my cause.

My first shout out goes to my Aunt Lauree and the Veazie Community School in Veazie, Maine! Lauree is Aunt Karen's younger sister, and is a middle school teacher in Maine. She has been so incredibly helpful in my fund raising process. She spread the word around her school in Maine, and rallied a huge amount of donations from people that know our family and that have a stake in cancer research! (She's also the best homemade pizza chef I've ever met).

My second shout out goes to my students at the Boston Renaissance Charter School. My co-teacher Carrie and I have been doing a poetry unit with our 3rd graders, focusing on grammar and parts of speech. This week we learned how to write a "setting poem", describing the nouns and verbs in a particular place that is special to the author. My students helped me write a setting poem about The Boston Marathon:

The Boston Marathon

At the Boston Marathon, the runners race,
The crowds cheer,
The feet stomp,
The hands clap,
And the voices yell.

The legs work,
The arms pump,
The lungs breathe,
The brains concentrate,
And the runners celebrate,
At the Boston Marathon!

So for all your DFMCers out there, you have a classroom full of Boston 3rd graders cheering for you, even though you don't know it :)

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