Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the end of the beginning

In honor of today being the last day of school before the start of summer vacation (!!!), this post has nothing to do with running. I told Mike that whenever I don't have something witty or entertaining* to write about I would post one of the many hilarious quotes from my kids, the 3rd graders at the Boston Renaissance Charter School:

Student J-"Hey Ms. Gott, I have a special Asian marking. Do you want to see it? Nobody else in the world has one like it."

Ms. G-"Sure, I guess?"

(J whips up his shirt and puffs out his chest, pointing to one dark little freckle on his ribs)

J-"See?!?! How cool am I??"

Ms. G-"um, J that is actually a freckle..."

J-"A what-le? I didn't know my special Asian marking had a cool name!!!"

*disclaimer--Mike will tell you that I never have much that is witty or entertaining to say. His opinion doesn't count.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

FIT GIRLS run a big race!

No, I am still not back to running. But today I ran/walked the Chelsea River Revel 5k with the lovely Fit Girls team from Chelsea. It was such a fun morning! Many of them were doing their first race, and Sarah, Abby, and I were their "race buddies". Fit Girls is an organization started by my teammate Sarah, and it's mission is to get girls running, reading, and reaching out to the community. Three of my favorite things!

The knee did not hold up so well today, but the girls sure did. They may not have run the entire 3.1 miles, but they were so encouraging to each other, positive, and excited to be actually doing a road race! Their sprints across the finish line were pretty much the cutest thing I've seen in a while.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lil' Swiney walks a full race (well, almost)

This knee issue that I wrote about last week finally has a name: patellar tendinitis. So, rather than running the Harpoon 5 miler this past weekend and attempting my 5 mile PR along with all my friends, I walked it.

yup. walked it.

It took enormous amounts of self control, and I'll be honest: I felt like a complete idiot the entire time. I started 20 minutes early so I could get somewhat of a head start, and I kept bursting out laughing at myself the entire way. But I finally just embraced it. In the end, I only walked about 4 miles of the 5 mile course because my knee was starting to get tight. And I kept telling my friends that I'd won the the unofficial walkers category, but I can't even say that much, because I chopped a full mile off the course. This tendinitis thing better start healing itself, because the icing/stretching/massaging/swimming/medicating combo isn't doing much of anything.

I have to say though: there is something kind of fun about showing up for a race with no nerves, not having to be well-rested, not having to stretch out completely and tie my shoes 714 times and make sure I get in line for the porta potties before I start. It's a whole new kind of road race when you're not actually running to be competitive!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Little Swiney runs a Big Race

nb: due to the outbreak of the swine flu at my school, I have been dubbed "Lil Swiney" for the time being. My hope is that the nickname will end as soon as the swine flu vacation ends this week.

Last week was my first race since the marathon: a whopping 5 miler. (5 miles? That's your 'big race'? you are probably thinking). Unfortunately, my knee hasn't been loving this running thing very much recently, and I have probably run a total of 10 miles since the marathon--most of them completed with the companions of an awkward limp and a few choice words. I've tried resting, icing, elevating, stretching, massaging, poking, prodding, drugging, and running amidst the pain, but nothing seems to work.

So I set out to run the first race of the summer race series with a race plan I've never tried before: run till it hurts then walk the rest. Let's just say it hurt from step number 3, and it's the first time I've ever not run a full race. I did finish, but it was not pretty or fun...at least the after party was! Lil Swiney got to live it up since the swine flu vacation meant no school the next day!