Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the end of the beginning

In honor of today being the last day of school before the start of summer vacation (!!!), this post has nothing to do with running. I told Mike that whenever I don't have something witty or entertaining* to write about I would post one of the many hilarious quotes from my kids, the 3rd graders at the Boston Renaissance Charter School:

Student J-"Hey Ms. Gott, I have a special Asian marking. Do you want to see it? Nobody else in the world has one like it."

Ms. G-"Sure, I guess?"

(J whips up his shirt and puffs out his chest, pointing to one dark little freckle on his ribs)

J-"See?!?! How cool am I??"

Ms. G-"um, J that is actually a freckle..."

J-"A what-le? I didn't know my special Asian marking had a cool name!!!"

*disclaimer--Mike will tell you that I never have much that is witty or entertaining to say. His opinion doesn't count.

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