Well, it's a few days late, but I finally have enough energy and perspective to write a recap of the actual marathon itself. People ask me all the time "what do you actually think about for 26 miles?" Well, here it is....uncensored, and sometimes unintelligible! (yes, it IS long...but so is a marathon!)
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DFMC meet up/warm up in Hopkinton-Mike asks me "How a
re you feeling little one?" Strangely, after telling him all week how nervous I was, the only answer I had for him was a resounding "EXCITED!" I knew I was well-trained for this, and I believed in my body and the thoughts of why I was doing this to carry me through. It's going to be a good day.
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DFMC meet up/warm up in Hopkinton-Mike asks me "How a

Staring line-Holy cow, I am really doing this! Our coach Jack was at the starting line, officially announcing people's names as we passed under the giant arch. How many people can say that their coach is the official starter of the Boston Marathon?? I wonder if I will have to pee during the race?
Mile 1-Holy cow, I am really doing this! First two miles were an average of 8:20/mile. Perfect, right where I want to be. As Jack drilled into our heads "If you don't feel like you're going too slow, then you're going too fast." Over and out, Jack.

Mile 2, 3, 4-Just keep it consistent Betsy. 8:05 miles through here. You're right where you want to be, and you don't want to pick it up now...the hills are still a few hours away! I preferred to adopt another Jack-ism at this point: "Doing the first few miles too fast is like taking tequila shots one right after the other; you don't know what hit you until you're lying flat on the floor."
Mile 5-Yes, this is awesome. My legs feel great. I can do this! What should I eat when I am finally finished?
Mile 6-Time to eat! Luna gels will do, but I really want a granola bar. Or a bagel. I wonder if people can see my name on my singlet?
Mile 7-There's John Crisafulli! Wow, didn't expect to see such an enthusiastic Dana Farber teammate cheering from the sidelines! Huge energy boost. "Go Dana Fah-bah!" Thank you!
Mile 8-I can't wait to see Laura and Adam at mile 13 so I can give them these damn gloves. I wonder what Mom and Dad are doing with Aunt Karen in Brookline right now?

Mile 9-Great, almost double digits. Legs still feel good, but I can't believe I have a few more hours left to run. "Go Dana Fah-bah!" Thank you!
Mile 10, 11-I wonder when the Wellesley girls start screaming?
Mile 12-The Wellesley girls made me deaf. I don't like this, I can't concentrate. ( I'm probably the only one, but I felt really overwhelmed and overstimulated for a full mile.)
Mile 13-Halfway done distance-wise, but certainly not effort-wise. I'm nearly two minutes ahead of my goal, so I can keep this pace up until the hills, and then let the hills come to me. There's Laura, Adam, and Sarah! What an awesome sign! I wish I could stop and talk!
Mile 14-damn, I won't see anyone else I know for 10 more miles. Some guy yells: "Good job runners...that was the easy half, you're in for it now." Is he for real???
Mile 15-I think my legs hurt, but I'm not really sure because my stomach hurts too. No more gatorade, it's too sweet. "Go Dana Fah-bah!" Thank you!
Mile 16-My stomach feels awful. No more water either, I don't want anything else going in. mental static. Where is the damn fire station?
Mile 17-The hills are coming, the hills are coming, the hills are coming. Maybe it will seem like a relief since I know them so well? (aaah the power of positive thinking). I hope they have pizza at the finish line.
Mile 18-Shooooot. Nope, no relief here. I am an idiot. If the first hill is this hard, I wonder what hill #2 and Heartbreak will bring?
Mile 19-Nausea. ugh. More hills. ugh. And still 4 more miles till I see anyone I know. I can't believe I actually have to run all the way to Boston. Hey, there's Fred Warburg! Yes, a familiar face!
Mile 20-This hurts. I'm tired. It's okay if I don't run a 3:40...that way, I won't ever ha

Mile 21-HEARTBREAK HILL! I don't know if I can do this...must walk now, I don't care how much time I loose. Oh crap, there is Team Hoyt, and he is PUSHING his son up the hill. If he can do that, I better be running. Just get to the top, just get to the top...
Mile 22-mental static. What?!?, I'm still on pace to break 3:40?! I can rest now, or I can actually DO this thing. more mental static, no decision.
Mile 23-MUST FIND FRED FOLLANSBEE! MUST FIND FRED! Yes, there he is...no, I can't take gatorade from you...no, I don't think I can make it. No, I do NOT look good right now. mental static.
Mile 24-THERE'S MY FAMILY! AND MY ROOMMATES! I've been waiting 24 miles for this! I can't believe Aunt Karen made it all the way here. I should be running faster just for her. Do I have the energy to stop and then start again? (no). Will I be able to yell? (no). Can I at least wave? (yes). Tunnel vision...must get to Tommy at St. Mary's Street.
Mile 24.5-mental static. tunnel vision. There's my brother Tom! He looks really excited! Woah, he's so tall. Damn, why won't he come run with me and pull me along? I wonder if my legs will lock up like you see on tv sometimes...and if they do, will I have enough time to crawl across the finish line and break 3:40?
Mile 25-Where is Theo??? I hear some of my friends cheering, but I can't think of who it is. Chris? Ellie? Where are they? Maybe we can all go bowling this weekend.
Mile 26-please legs, just keep turning over. I have twelve minutes to run 1.2 miles. That should be a piece of cake. But will it?

Mile 26.1-tunnel vision. Is this a joke? I feel like I'm on a treadmill, and that stupid finish line is NOT getting any closer.
Mile 26.2- 3:38:30. YES. i feel like crying, but i don't even have the energy for that. ooh, pretty medal.
Mile 26.3-must sit down. must sit down. What, a wheelchair? Sure, that sounds nice.