So ten minutes later, I set off by myself--no ipod, no running buddies, no traffic, no sense of direction...nothing but me and the wilderness in Wayland. What a change! And what a challenge.
In preparation for a good race at the Hyannis half marathon and marathon relay next weekend, I cut down on some of my mileage this week. Jack recommended not running the full 18 mile team run in Wayland on Saturday, but doing 13 miles instead. Great! I thought. 13 miles sounds awesome. Until I realized what Jack had in mind...
The first 7 miles out were easy, just to get my legs warmed up. But for the back 7 miles, Jack wanted me to try and hold 7:10s for 5 of those miles. Yikes! Consistency not always being my strong point, I hovered between 7:00-7:30s...took a short break for some M+Ms and a chat with Shifter at the water stop...and finished the last 3 miles around 7:40s. meh. It was hard. I was sore the next day. But it was incredibly nice to get off the Boston streets and see the Wayland, Concord, and Sudbury suburbs for 14 miles:

It sounds as you did great with that pace - even holding 7:40 is impressive. It looks like you are getting into the right groove. One of things you want to do is peak on 4/20/09, not before. I have made that mistake a couple of times where I left my best race on the last long run. Good luck in Hyannis!
Great workout Betsy - and tonight's track workout will be fun (they're all suppose to be fun:)
CU then - J
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