No, this post isn't about my wild spring break adventures. Rather, it's about a pretty nasty run and some pretty sweet post-run activities!
Today was our long run day with DFMC, and I tackled 18 miles with Katie and Aimee. We ran from Wellesley towards Boston to the top of Heartbreak Hill, then turned around and did it in reverse. After starting the run with Ben, Gordon, and Laurie, we continued on to the 6 mile waterstop as a pack of six. That's when the speed demons took off, and Aimee, Katie and I stuck to our own 8:05-ish pace. The three of us finished the back nine miles together, though I had a rough last three miles and pretty much wanted to die.
BUT, it was a PERFECT day for a long run: 40-something degrees in Boston and a little bit sunny. It was the first time I've worn shorts on a run since the Chicago Marathon (!!!), and the melting snow and puddles meant that I had a hard time getting the mud and salt off my calves in the shower afterwards! And speaking of showers...
me, Aimee, Laurie, Katie, and Kristan
(i promised them the "before" shot
would be small, so you all couldn't
fully see the grossness! read on...)
After showering and
not washing our hair, Katie and I headed down to Newbury Street with Laurie, Kristan, and Aimee for some bloody marys, appetizers, and hair appointments. This was probably the coolest DFMC fund raiser I've heard of: two girls organized a salon on Newbury Street to give $30 haircuts, with all of the money going to DFMC! And we obviously needed to be fixed up from our post-18-mile-grossness. Here is the photographic evidence :)
Much better!
me, Aimee, Laurie, Katie, and Kristan
And who else was there getting his hair cut? (He graciously informed me that men don't get their hair "done", they simply get it "cut"). None other than
Jack, our fearless DFMC leader (and winner of the '76 Boston Marathon). I promised him that I wouldn't put the pictures on Facebook...but he didn't say anything about my blog!
This was the perfect end to a very busy week with a lot of miles...notably, the most miles I've ever run in a week (45)!